Qari Noman Hussain

Qari Noman Hussain serves as the Associate Director and a faculty member at the Qalam Seminary. He was born and raised in Chicago, IL. Upon completing the memorization of the Quran, Qari Noman traveled to South Africa to further his education in the Islamic sciences at Darul Uloom Zakariyya. Graduating at the top of his class in 2009, he earned authorizations (ijazāt) in several Islamic sciences, specializing in Quranic sciences such as tajwīd and the ʿasharah qirāʾāt (ten modes of recitation).

For the past 15 years, Qari Noman has dedicated himself to serving the Chicago and Milwaukee communities. In addition to his roles as an Imam and Resident Scholar, he has served as a hifẓ teacher, high school instructor, chaplain, and leader of interfaith groups and civic coalitions. Qari Noman is also the founder of Oasis Chicago, a space committed to creating social-spiritual experiences for young professionals and families.