Year 1 - Classical Arabic
Classical Arabic and Essential Islamic Knowledge
It is our goal to connect students to the Qurʾan, sacred knowledge, and the Islamic tradition through the study of the Arabic language while remaining focused on five areas of academic proficiency and personal enrichment. Our objective is that students are able to:
Analyze the language of the Qurʾan in order to translate and understand its meaning.
Vowel and translate classical Arabic texts.
Explain the essential Islamic knowledge needed for faith and practice.
Embody Prophetic character and tradition.
Meaningfully engage with the Qurʾan.
Year 1 Course Catalog, 2023–24
Course Title: ARAB–101: Introduction to Arabic Grammar & Morphology (Naḥw & Ṣarf)
Instructor: Ustadh Obaidullah Ahmad
Text: No-Nonsense Arabic Curriculum (Qur’ān Coach, Nusayba and Sumaya Al-Saadoon), Qalam Arabic Ṣarf Textbook
Course Description: Naḥw: Students will study the foundational rules of the Arabic language and how to translate from Arabic to English with accuracy. This will equip students with the tools needed to jump straight into the grammatical breakdown of Quranic Ayahs while simultaneously building a strong vocabulary base. Ṣarf: Students will dive into the science of Sarf (Morphology and Etymology). They will learn how words are formed based on patterns, root letters, and conjugations. Students will build proficiency in using a root based dictionary. Here, students will unlock the ability to further access a plethora of Arabic words essential for translation and understanding.
Course Title: ARAB–102: Arabic Morphology (Ṣarf)
Instructor: Ustadh Obaidullah Ahmad
Text: Qalam Arabic Irregular Ṣarf Textbook
Course Description: Students will advance into learning how to conjugate irregular words due to the presence of specific root letters. This study will complete students knowledge of Ṣarf needed for translation and understanding.
Course Title: ARAB–103: Traditional Study of Arabic Grammar
Instructor: Ustadh Obaidullah Ahmad
Texts:Matn al-Ājurūmiyyah, Al-ʿAwāmil, Other Selected Texts
Course Description: After learning the principles in quarters one and two, students will further solidify and master Arabic grammar concepts by studying traditional texts in Arabic. Students will get a taste of the traditional language often used in basic and advanced classical Arabic grammar books. Students will be expected to utilize terminology across Year 1 courses.
Course Title: ARAB–111: Sīrah Voweling
Instructor: Ustadh Omair Syed
Text: Qalam Classical Arabic Reader, which contains excerpts from the following texts: Qaṣaṣ al-Nabiyyīn (Shaykh Abul Ḥasan ʿAlī al-Nadwī), Sīrah Khātim al-Nabiyyīn (Shaykh Abul Ḥasan ʿAlī al-Nadwī)
Course Description: Students will learn how to apply the rules of grammar and morphology to read and unlock classical Arabic texts that do not contain vowels. Students will be exposed to a new style of reading as they delve into this text. The second and third quarters of the year will be spent covering the famous works of Shaykh Abul Ḥasan ʿAlī al-Nadwī, designed for the beginner arabic student. The volumes/texts increase in difficulty as the student increases vocabulary base and understanding of naḥw & ṣarf.
Course Title: ARAB–112: Ḥadīth Voweling
Instructor: Ustadh Obaidullah Ahmad
Texts: Zād al Ṭālibīn, known as Provisions for the Seekers (Muḥammad ʿĀshiq Ilāhī al-Bulandshehrī)
Course Description: Students will learn how to apply the rules of grammar and morphology to read and unlock classical Arabic texts that do not contain vowels. Students will spend the second quarter of the year covering this collection of aḥādīth compiled from a larger collection, Imam al-Tabrīzi’s famous ‘Mishkāt al-Maṣābīḥ’. This text is organized by aḥādīth that appear as different nominal, verbal, and conditional sentences. Students will be exposed to aḥādīth that will inspire them in their dīn.
Course Title: ARAB–112: Tafsīr Voweling
Instructor: Ustadh Obaidullah Ahmad
Texts: Tafsīr al-Jalālayn (Jalāl al Dīn al Suyūṭī & Jalāl al Dīn al Maḥallī)
Course Description: Students will learn how to apply the rules of grammar and morphology to read and unlock classical Arabic texts that do not contain vowels. Students will spend the third and fourth quarters of the year covering a few sūrahs of this famous tafsīr. This will aid in expounding their ability to vowel and access a different style text while benefiting from the scholarly work for deeper understanding of Quranic verses.
Course Title: ARAB–131: Idioms and Intro to Poetry
Instructor: Ustadh Omair Syed
Text: Selected Readings
Course Description: Students will demonstrate beginner linguistic proficiency in the discipline.
Course Title: ARAB–141: Arabic Composition
Instructor: Ustadh Omair Syed
Text: Selected Readings
Course Description: Students will practice sentence writing beginning with the basics and working their way up, from learning how to connect letters to composing paragraphs. Students will also learn how to utilize the Arabic keyboard for composition. This course will deepen their understanding of the Arabic language by helping students pay attention to the nuances and intricacies needed when composing grammatically sound sentences. This will also aid in strengthening vocabulary base and retention.
Course Title: QUR–101: Intro to Quranic Sciences
Instructor: Ustadha Fatima Lette
Text: Selected Texts
Course Description: In this introductory course, students will outline major discussions, methodologies, and historical development within the discipline of ʿUlūm al-Qurʾān (the Quranic sciences). By the end of the course, students will become familiar with the different approaches to understanding the Quran and appreciate the rich tradition of Quranic and Islamic scholarship. Students will also demonstrate beginner linguistic proficiency in the discipline.
Course Title: QUR–111/112: Applied Grammar and Quran Translation & Advanced Application
Instructor: Ustadha Zara Huda
Course Description: Initially, students will apply material covered in the No-Nonsense Curriculum to conduct daily grammatical breakdowns of Quranic verses. The breakdown will aid students in translating multiple sūrahs of the Qur’ān. Students will gain proficiency in identifying grammatical concepts for better translation and understanding. As the year progresses, students will be introduced to advanced grammatical concepts across Year 1 courses and expected to apply them in this course. Tafsīr may be incorporated to further understand translation of verses at instructor's discretion.
Course Title: QUR–113: Quran Reflection
Instructor: Ustadh Obaidullah Ahmad
Course Description: Paired with guidance from the instructor, students will learn how to contemplate deeply on Quranic passages. Students will self-reflect for personal reformation and action.
Course Title: QUR–131: Tajwīd I
Instructor: Qari Noman Hussain
Texts: Murshid al Qārī + Spiritual Points on Building a Connection with Recitation (through readings of narrations from a Faḍāʾil al-Qurʾān work)
Course Description: This course aims at increasing student confidence via improving Qur’anic fluency. Students will focus on practical implementation of proper tajwīd rules, especially proper pronunciation of letters (makhārij and ṣifāt) as well as focusing on eliminating laḥn jaliyy while working on reducing the amount and severity of laḥn khafiyy. The course continues into subsequent years with the objective of providing students an opportunity to receive isnād through hearing and recitation (samāʿ wa ʿarḍ).
Course Title: HIST–101: Shamāʾil (Prophetic Characteristics)
Instructor: Shaykh AbdulNasir Jangda
Text: Uswah Ḥasanah (Shaykh Abul Ḥasan ʿAlī al-Nadwī)
Course Description: The Prophet ﷺ is our excellent exemplar and model [33:21]. Students will study the beautiful traits, mannerisms, and dealings of the Prophet ﷺ for reflection and practice through this Arabic text.
Course Title: FIQH-101: Intro to Fiqh
Instructor: Mufti Hussain Kamani
Texts: Selected Texts
Course Description: Students will study an introduction to Islamic Law. They will be exposed to key fiqh terminology, history of fiqh development, emergence of the four schools and their founders, and the sources of sharīʿah. Students will demonstrate beginner linguistic proficiency in the discipline.
Course Title: FIQH–102: Fiqh Voweling
Instructor: Ustadha Samrina Qureshi
Text: Nūr al Iḍāḥ, known as The Light of Clarification (Ḥasan Al Shurunbulālī)
Course Description: Students will learn how to apply the rules of grammar and morphology to read and unlock classical Arabic texts that do not contain vowels. Students will be exposed to a new style of reading as they delve into this fiqh text. The focus of this course will revolve around the chapters of Islamic legal law and practice pertaining to purification (ṭahārah) and prayer (ṣalāh).
Course Title: 40 Ḥadīth of Imām al-Nawawī
Instructor: Shaykh Mubeen Kamani
Text: 40 Ḥadīth of Imām al-Nawawī
Course Description: Students will go through this collection of hadiths, benefiting from explanations with context, lessons related to personal development and refinement of character, practical application in one’s daily life, as well as building proper etiquette with Allah ﷻ and His creation.
Course Title: HDTH–101: Intro to Ḥadīth
Instructor: Mufti Hussain Kamani
Text: Selected Readings
Course Description: Students will study various topics, including appreciation and importance of the authority of the sunnah, preservation of hadith, exposure to ḥadīth terminology, the role of ḥadīth in Islamic legislation, and more. Students will demonstrate beginner linguistic proficiency in the discipline.
Course Title: TAZK–101: Tazkiyah I
Instructor: Shaykh Mikaeel Smith
Text: Bidāyah al-Hidāyah, known as The Beginning of Guidance (Imam al-Ghazāli)
Course Description: This text covers etiquettes that the seeker of knowledge will benefit from carrying and implementing on their journey for knowledge. Topics include discussions on obedience and disobedience to Allah ﷻ, as well as etiquettes with Allah and His ﷻ creation. Students will further engage in learning how to spiritually purify and develop oneself through this study.
Course Title: THEO–101: Intro to ʿAqīdah
Instructor: Shaykh AbdulNasir Jangda
Text: TBA
Course Description: TBA